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Fachverlag Hans Carl, Nuremberg, Germany, is pleased to announce two new peer reviewers for its scientific publication BrewingScience: Dr. Tatiana Praet, KU Leuven Technology Campus Ghent, Ghent, Belgium, and Dr. Frithjof Thiele, Radeberger Gruppe KG, Frankfurt/Main, Germany.

On 31 August 2016 Dr. Andreas Ludwig ended his term as Head of Quality at the Radeberger Group. His position will be taken over by Madeleine Adolf, a state-certified food chemist who has been working for Radeberger for over six years.

Effective August 1, 2016, Dr. Uwe Kikillus joined Pentair as Business Development & Risk Management Manager CO2 & Biogas. In his new role, Dr. Kikillus is responsible for the business development of Pentair’s biogas business into new markets and regions, and also for the development of strategy plans globally for biogas expansion. With respect to operation engineering process management, he is in charge of project management standards and processes, and of contract risk management.

Dr. Christian Temme has joined RMI Analytics GmbH based in Hamburg as Managing Director on 1 July 2016. In this role, Christian will lead the RMI Analytics team’s three service units: Market Insights, Networking Platforms and Advisory Services.

Effective May 2016, Simon Jackson takes the lead as Director of the European Region at First Key Consulting. A proven and highly experienced leader with a multi-disciplined track record, Simon has held director-level appointments in manufacturing, logistics, sales and customer marketing. He has also operated at the management board-level with significant financial and operational accountability, throughout his successful and wide-ranging career in the brewing industry.

On 3rd June 2016, the General Assembly of The Brewers of Europe elected Pavlos Photiades as its new President, succeeding Demetrio Carceller.

Robert Wassmer will be joining Kelvion, a globally active manufacturer of industrial heat exchangers, as Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) and Managing Director of Kelvion Holding GmbH effective as of 1 July, 2016.

Specialist publisher Hans Carl, Nuremberg, Germany, is pleased to announce three new peer reviewers for its scientific publication BrewingScience: Dr. Karl Glas and Dr. Mathias Hutzler, both Weihenstephan and Prof. Stefan Schildbach, Fulda.

As of the end of November 2015, the European Brewery Convention has a new President: Tiago M. Brandão, Portugal, succeeded Dr. Stefan Lustig, Germany. Brandão brilliantly got through his first baptism of fire for the EBC in May 2015. He chaired the Local Organising Committee that set the course in Porto for a successful EBC Congress. Brandão will now be at the helm of the prestigious EBC for years to come. In an interview with BRAUWELT International, the EBC President talks about his interesting career, his expectations and plans for the future of the EBC.

Ziemann Holvrieka, specialist for brewery plants, food processing tanks and process technology, strengthens its Management Board: as of February 1, 2016 Mr. Ralph Gehlhar will be the Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) for Sales and Marketing. The graduate mechanical and process technology engineer has gained decades of experience in international sales in the food and beverage industry – a target sector for Ziemann Holvrieka.

On January 17, 2016, Diploma Brewing Engineer Wolfgang Kunze died at the age of 89. He was 38 years vocational school teacher for brewers and maltsters in Dresden and from 1991 Head of the VLB Office Dresden. As author of the textbook “Technology Brewing and Malting” he was well-known even far beyond the borders of Germany.

The Brewers of Europe are strengthening their communication activities with the appointment of Jan de Grave as Communications Director. Since 2003, Jan de Grave was consecutively Vice President Corporate Communications and Vice President Sustainability at Telenet NV.

The Institute of Brewing and Distilling has announced that Dr. Jerry Avis has been appointed as its new CEO. He will take over from Simon Jackson who will retire in November 2015. Jerry will take up his new role in Curlew Street on 2 November.

Every two years, they come together for several days: the members of the International Hop Growers’ Convention (IHGC). Following a 19-year break, more than 140 delegates from 13 nations met in Bad Gögging in the hop growing region Hallertau from July 26 to 31 2015 to exchange ideas and make contacts. An extensive four-day program not only a offered an opportunity to learn about the work of the IHGC, but also included tours of hop farms and hop processing plants.

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