Advertising with BRAUWELT International
Print media have a long tradition and continue to attract a high level of attention among readers of BRAUWELT International – your potential customers. Apart from classic formats, extravagant forms of advertising can also be used to put across your advertising message.
Compared to print ads, online advertising is a value-for-money alternative. This method of advertising is thus of special interest, in particular for smaller operations with a low budget.
The decision of a company to select an advertising channel should not just depend on a planned advertising campaign but also on a number of other factors.
Print advertising with BRAUWELT International
Classic and unorthodox advertising methods help getting your message across to your customers. Your print advertising will be planned individually in close cooperation with you. Of course we will do our best to optimally place your ad in an appropriate editorial environment.
Your advantages: you will reach your target group exclusively, without scatter losses
you will place your advertising in the right editorial environment
90% of decision-makers read BRAUWELT International
themed and specific advertising
Contact person

Sales advertising print and online, Buyers Guide
Phone: +49 (0)911 95285-26
Fax: +49 (0)911 95285-48
E-mail: meindl[at]hanscarl.com
You would like to sell e.g. a labeller, you are looking for a specific crate washer, you would like to enter into a business relationship with another company, you are looking for a job or you would like to offer a job in your company? In such cases, small ads in BRAUWELT International are the method of choice. Double benefit for all advertisers of vacancies: they also appear free of charge in our Job Exchange on brauwelt.com/en.
Your advantages:
an attractive price
easier search resulting from section headings
invoicing per millimetre
customised arrangement of your ad
Contact person

Classified Ads, Buyers Guide
Phone: +49 (0)911 95285-36
Fax: +49 (0)911 95285-48
E-mail: wehfritz[at]hanscarl.com
All companies wishing to be listed under a specific keyword can make use of the suppliers heading of BRAUWELT International as an optimal alternative for their advertising messages. The directory is used by decision-makers and buyers as a source of information and orientation, in particular for (replacement) procurement and planning.
Your advantages:
crossmedial publication
alphabetic listing of headings
an attractive price
you will reach your target group exclusively, without scatter losses
Contact person

Sales advertising print and online, Buyers Guide
Phone: +49 (0)911 95285-26
Fax: +49 (0)911 95285-48
E-mail: meindl[at]hanscarl.com

Classified Ads, Buyers Guide
Phone: +49 (0)911 95285-36
Fax: +49 (0)911 95285-48
E-mail: wehfritz[at]hanscarl.com
Online advertising with BRAUWELT International
Your advantages:
Information & prices
Contact person

Sales advertising print and online, Buyers Guide
Phone: +49 (0)911 95285-26
Fax: +49 (0)911 95285-48
E-mail: meindl[at]hanscarl.com
Your advantages:
Contact person

Sales advertising print and online, Buyers Guide
Phone: +49 (0)911 95285-26
Fax: +49 (0)911 95285-48
E-mail: meindl[at]hanscarl.com
Technical details
The following technical information (print / online) serves as an aid for the preparation of your advertising material. Further information can be found in our media data or contact the publisher.
Journal format / printing and binding methods
DIN A 4, 210 x 297 mm (width x height)
(3 mm bleed per gate edge), 216 x 303 mm (width x height)
Type area: 185 x 275 mm (width x height)
Number of columns: 4 columns
Column width: 43 mm
Printing and binding process
Offset printing, saddle stitching
Data transmission
E-mail: anzeigen[at]hanscarl.com
Disk: CD-ROM
File formats
Adobe-PDF/X1a:2001 or Adobe-PDF/X3:2002 in CMYK mode. Writings are to be integrated. The minimum font size is 6 points. Fine serifs should be avoided. Font modifications, such as bold or italic, should not be used. Multiple master fonts and double byte fonts must not be used. Pictures are to be integrated. The quality of JPEG-compressed images is determined by the supplier.
Embedded ICC profiles are not evaluated.
Color space
The printing is done according to the Euroscale in the process standard offset printing with the basic colors: cyan, magenta, yellow and black. Special colors are possible in consultation.
The corresponding profiles for color space conversion and control can be found on the ECI website (www.eci.org).
The digital proof must be made 1: 1 from the supplied data set and contain the Ugra / Fogra media wedge.
Upon delivery of incomplete or deviating data, we assume no liability for the printed result. Editing open data or correcting incorrectly delivered ad formats will incur additional expense that will be charged to you at cost.
Martina Wehfritz
Phone: +49 (0) 911/95285-36
E-mail: wehfritz[at]hanscarl.com
Informationen about banners
On rotation, your ad will randomly appear on the booked pages of brauwelt.com.
Delivery of advertising material
at least 4 working days before the start of the banner
File formats
Banner formats: jpg, gif, png, html5, iframe, javascript, standard tag.
Videos: Mp4, FLV, WMV, AVI, MPG, MPEG
File size
Files should be the recommended size of max. Do not exceed 50 KB.
Target link
A destination link (to a website or to a redirect) must be specified for each advertising medium. The link must always open in a new window. When delivering the material, be sure to use the " _blank" command.
Internal redirects are only accepted if the adressing codes are stored.
Click commands and counting pixels are possible at any time.
Depending on the system, counting differences may occur when using 3rd party ad servers. The billing basis is always the publisher's numbers.
Outlook 2007 does not support the appearance of animated GIF files. There, the first frame of the ad is displayed as a static image.
Hints for banners in the newsletter
As of Outlook 2007, only the first frame of an animated gif is displayed. Animated gifs are possible, but are not delivered here correctly. Via the link "If the newsletter is not displayed correctly, please click here", which is placed above each newsletter, the user can open an html version of the content in the browser. Here is an animated gif displayed correctly.
If you have an adserver in use you can send us a pixel and a tracking link.
Dunja Stürmer
Phone: +49 (0) 911/95285-35
E-mail: stuermer[at]hanscarl.com
Reprints of BRAUWELT International articles
Technical articles about your company are highly popular and attract the attention of your customers. You should make effective use of this tool and have our scientific articles in BRAUWELT International serve the function of boosting communication at events, trade exhibitions, congresses and the like. Your article will be taken over unchanged from the respective BRAUWELT International issue and edited as appropriate – the title page will be designed in the BRAUWELT International design. You are free to use the title page and – if there is space – the back page for your self-promotion. In addition, we offer a digital version as pdf for your email campaigns or your website.
Direct contact

Deputy Sales and Marketing Manager
Phone: +49 (0)911 95285-35
Fax: +49 (0)911 95285-48
E-mail: stuermer[at]hanscarl.com

Phone: +49 (0)911 95285-26
Fax: +49 (0)911 95285-48
E-mail: meindl[at]hanscarl.com

Classified Ads, Buyers Guide
Phone: +49 (0)911 95285-36
Fax: +49 (0)911 95285-48
E-mail: wehfritz[at]hanscarl.com

Sales advertising print and online, Buyers Guide
Phone: +49 (0)911 95285-26
Fax: +49 (0)911 95285-48
E-mail: meindl[at]hanscarl.com