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This research project (AiF ZN 210) investigated how material surface (e.g. due to topography or surface energy), quantity of deposits and cleaning agent affect the success of cleaning. In this article, the status of investigations and parameters important for cleaning of material surfaces are described.

Beverage hose lines are widely used in breweries. It is, however, necessary to exercise care in selecting hose and fittings and in cleaning and disinfection. Willi Emde, Industrial Hoses Product and Market Segment Manager at ContiTech Fluid, Hanover, emphasised that this should be taken into account in the context of a plant HACCP concept.

A previous publication showed that there were possibilities for optimisation of monitoring chlorine dioxide usage as well as formation of chlorite disinfectant by-product in commercial operations [1]. This article describes investigations relating to removal of residual chlorine dioxide and removal of chlorite from water using activated carbon or ultraviolet radiation so as to utilise optimisation potentials in commercial operations.

A number of methods are currently available for disinfecting water from wells and municipal supplies for utilization as process water in food production facilities. Ozonation using the ESAZON® system offers completely new possibilities in the area of water disinfection. The system has been tested on-site for almost two years in mid-sized breweries. The results show that this method provides effective protection for all production areas against water-borne microbes introduced from external sources.

The Lao Brewery, Vientiane/Laos with an annual output of 1.2 million hl beer has a market share of 99 percent in Laos. The lately installed state-of-the-art filling technology will be described in this contribution, which will also provide information on the Laotian beer market. With a per capita consumption of 20 liters per year it has quite a potential.

At the end of last year, the Dutch brewery Bavaria N. V. started using the prototype of a bottle cleaning machine which had been jointly developed by Krones and Bavaria Lieshout – the Lavatec KD 2005. With the new machine, it was hoped that the cleaned reusable glass bottles would leave the machine consistently sterile and ready to be filled with beverages, and that operating costs would be substantially reduced thanks to a simultaneous reduction in the consumption of energy, water and chemicals.

Installation of new filtration and pasteurisation technology, recentralising the brewery with a master plan for future expansion projects, building a new bottling hall housing three new lines for capacity upsizing and replacing older lines, new designs for bottles and cans, maximised modernisation and enhanced flexibility for end-of-the-line packaging: the Pilsner Urquell Brewery in Pilsen had set itself an ambitious programme over the past two years, and achieved it all in full. Thanks not least to responsive support from Krones.

Chlorine dioxide has proven to be an effective disinfectant for fighting undesired microorganisms in drinking water and processing water. Disinfection using chlorine dioxide also protects piping and surfaces against biofilm growth at very low concentration.

This contribution would like to draw attention to a fundamental change in application technology for cleaning up the water system as well as maintaining cleanliness and disinfection of machines and plants in the beverage industry. An Imeca® decontron plant has been in operation in Stiegl Brewery in Salzburg since March 2006. A year of commercial operation has confirmed the results that were presented in an earlier Brauwelt edition.

Chlorine dioxide is the most preferable disinfectant under the conditions of CIP cleaning. It is easily biologicaly degradable and has no ecologically critical byproducts. Broad clinical research has shown that there are no hazards neither for human beings nor animals caused by chlorine dioxide in its application concentrations. Using the DuoSept System, economic, ecologic and microbiological benefits could be proved in numerous bottling plants.

For some time, returnable goods have been at the centre of discussion by society at large. The focus is on aspects of process ecology, i.e. protection of the environment and resources. Extensive consideration has also been given to the economics of the returnable loop. The condition of stacking crates has, in the first instance, a major influence on safety in beverage operations and in the logistics chain. And there is also the risk of injuries to consumers due to defective crates.

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