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With its new method of sterilizing preforms in advance, KHS now eliminates the need for classic upstream PET bottle sterilizing and rinsing. The significantly smaller area of the preform to be sterilized compared to that of the PET bottle surface reduces the required amount of sterilant considerably. This contributes not only to saving the cost of investment in a rinser but also saves rinse water.

Ozone, a highly reactive compound, is used both for cleaning as well as for disinfection in various areas of water treatment or food production. The following article deals with current processes used in ozone generation and their technical applicability.

Tank hygiene is critical to producing products of consistently high quality. Choosing the right tank cleaning technology contributes to higher quality, fewer disruptions, higher yield and greater profitability. Switching to dynamic rotary jet head technology can prove to be a worthwhile investment. Most breweries want to achieve the highest level of tank hygiene using the lowest possible amount of energy and cleaning fluids. To do so, it is important to understand the pros and cons of static spray ball technology and rotary jet head technology, which are described in this article.

The GEA Group enlarges its segment for mechanical equipment in the business unit Flow Components by acquisition of the British company Breconcherry Ltd., manufacturer of tank washing equipment and cleaning in place (CIP) systems, located in Ledbury, UK.

Chlorine dioxide was selected as an alternative sanitizer based on its known anti-microbial effectiveness over wide range of pH and temperature, further more chlorine dioxide does not produce tri halo methane or chloro phenolic by products, an important environmental consideration. Siello2 Dioxide two component system is a product to generate pure Chlorine Dioxide onsite.

The Alfa Laval Toftejorg SaniMidget SB UltraPure rotary spray head is the first tank cleaning machine of its kind to be certified by the European Hygienic Engineering Design Group (EHEDG) for use by the food industry. The launch shows that Alfa Laval continues to lead the way within hygienic processing and food safety.

UV disinfection specialist Hanovia has won the Ringier Technology Innovation Award for the Food and Beverage Industry (Disinfection Technology category) at a ceremony held recently in Shanghai, China. The Award was given for Hanovia’s medium pressure UV disinfection technology which has been adopted by many of China’s leading bottled water and beverage manufacturers in the last 12 months.

The demands placed on measurement and control devices in the brewery are complex. Reliable and accurate measurements are a prerequisite for integration in an automated process. Communication between the devices must be seamlessly integrated throughout all process steps with the control processes adjusted accordingly.

The Innofill DRV filling system is available in several versions for still and carbonated beverages. It is being constantly further developed in tune with the requirements of the industry. Just recently, for example, the growing trend in the soft drinks sector towards hot filled plastic bottles has prompted integration of a new hotfill model into the system. The latest innovation is that the Innofill DRV not only operates with electromagnetic inductive flow metering but now also with volumetric flow metering for beverages with low or no electrical conductivity. The new version also allows for the handling of plastic bottles with various neck diameters.

Requirements relating to cleaning and disinfection in brewery plants have changed significantly. Apart from efficiency, parameters such as environmental protection and commercial considerations are aspects that can no longer be neglected. Löwenbrauerei Hall in Schwäbisch Hall overcame old habits and went for modern cleaning and disinfection procedures. The whole brewery was looked at from a completely different angle with the support of cleaning specialists from the Düsseldorf Ecolab company. Environment and purse say “thank you”.

Commercial utilisation of oxidation processes for removal of organic trace substances is receiving increasing attention from scientists worldwide and is attracting users from the most diverse sectors. Ozone is still rarely used in the food and consumables industry. As an alternative

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