Hop market | The survey of hop acreage in 2023 has recently been completed. Enclosed please find the comparison of acreage from 2020 to 2023 for the world's main producing areas.
Technical Support | The technique of dry hopping is used to produce many different beer styles with various alcohol contents. Information about the alcohol-dependent behaviour of hop components after dosing is crucial to control the resulting flavour and ensure consistent beer quality.
Hop market | On Dec. 19, 2022, the US Department of Agriculture reported that US hop production for 2022, in the States of Washington, Idaho, and Oregon decreased 12% yielding 101 million pounds vs 115.6 million pounds in 2021.
Technical Support | Type Noble were specially developed for use before or during filtration and replace late hop additions in the brewhouse. The result is a "late hop aroma" that combines floral, spicy and citrus notes. Products of the Noble family have a high to very high content of linalool. Bitter substances are not contained.
Technical Support | As usual at the turn of the year, we’d like to share some averaged data on the recent and previous crop year’s composition of aroma substances of some selected hop varieties. This comparison is intended as a helpful indication to achieve consistent hop aroma in beer, especially when changing from one crop year to another.
Hop market | For many years the brewing and hop industries have been diligently working towards improving the sustainability aspects of our entire production chain. One important area of greatly improved sustainability for Hopsteiner is our hop breeding program. Our work in this area has been prescient, given the disappointing results of crop 2022 both in Europe and the United States.
Innovation & Research | Research and development are in our DNA. We think of hops holistically and challenge tried and tested methods in order to create something new. Our hop oils impart aroma, thereby simplyfing the brewing process and naturally influencing the beer flavor.
Hop market | The crop estimate for the Hallertau was announced on August 25st, meaning that crop 2022 estimates have now been submitted for all German hop growing areas.