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The continuous process monitoring in the production of sugar-free soft drinks demands considerably more of measuring systems than is the case with sugared drinks. Digital density measurement in combination with rapid, high-precision temperature and CO2 measurement has proven to be a robust and highly accurate method for the process control of sugar-free and sugared soft drinks.

Coca-Cola HBC (CCHBC), the world’s second largest Coke bottler, reported consolidated nine months net profits of 38.5 million Euro against a break-even position last year. Sales were up 12 percent to 2.69 billion Euro.

Important selective characteristics, such as a low pH value and a high CO2 content, largely protect alcohol-free beverages from microbial spoilage. However, due to the omnipresent conidiospores moulds (particularly Penicillium spp.), non-sparkling beverages require pasteurisation under gentle conditions (Fig. 2).

Together with blending and carbonation, degassing of liquids plays a key role in the soft drinks production process.

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