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With its recent property purchase, Doemens Academy has set the course for "Doemens 2020", an ambitious new project. With support from the municipality of Gräfelfing, the relevant notarial agreement was signed on December 16th, 2016. On January 31st, 2017, the municipal council unanimously approved the property sale. Investment costs for acquisition of the more than 5 000 m² site at Lohenstraße amount to approximately 3.3 million EUR.

A new Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.) in Brewing Science is expected to start in the winter semester 2017/18 at TU Berlin, initially with admission for 20 students (standard duration of study 6 semesters, 180 credits). The new study programme developed by Faculty III of TU Berlin together with its Department of Brewing Science replaces the former study programme Brewing Technology (Brautechnisches Fachstudium) that was graduated with the Diploma degree “Diplom-Braumeister”. The study programme Brewing Technology cannot be continued as a Diploma degree according to the Berlin Higher Education Act (BerlHG). The Study and Examination Regulations for the B.Eng. in Brewing Science have passed through the university boards of TU Berlin and have already been submitted to the Berlin Senate Administration for approval; by subsequent publication of a notice in the Official Journal of TU Berlin the Study and Examination Regulations will become effective.

Entries to the International Brewing & Cider Awards 2017 are set to exceed that of previous years, say organisers Brewing & Technology Services, who attribute the uplift in the number and diversity of entries to new classes introduced to the competitions this year, as well as growing awareness of the Awards among producers and brand owners worldwide.

The results are always eagerly awaited: Beside the Thomson Reuters Corporation, which determines an impact factor as a measure reflecting the yearly average number of citations to articles recently published in scientific journals, the publisher Elsevier probably operates the best known database for peer-reviewed scientific publications: Scopus. The current bibliometric indicators for 2015 have now been published by Elsevier.

The long-established Munich jeweller J.B. Fridrich GmbH & Co. KG cherishes values like authenticity, quality and trust –that’s why they’ve come up with something special to mark this year’s Bavarian anniversary of “500 years of Reinheitsgebot”, as the company reported in July.

CIMC Enric Tank and Process B.V. (CETP), a subsidiary of CIMC ENRIC Holdings Ltd., has completed the acquisition of 100% of the shares of Briggs Group Ltd. (Briggs).

Evan Evans, a well-known and respected Australian barley/malt/beer scientist, has produced a remarkable family history work, based mainly on his travels to France and Belgium, in the footsteps of two great uncles who fought and died in the service of Australia in World War I. In his introduction, Evan states: “This story is actually of two journeys that are separated by nearly 100 years and three generations of my family. They are of my great uncles, Capt. Gerald Evans MC and Pte Francis (Ken) Evans from Australia to the battlefields of France in the Great War and more latterly, my own journey to revisit those fields. This is a journey in search of echoes, primarily guided by the letters home to Australia from Gerald and Ken during this period.”’

BayWa AG has acquired full ownership of Evergrain KG. The company, which is based in Hamburg, will now operate under the name of "Evergrain – a BayWa Company". BayWa already decided last summer to acquire a majority stake in Evergrain KG. After the anti-trust authorities have approved the transaction, the Munich-based trade and services company is taking full ownership of Evergrain, a company that is specialised in international trading with malting barley. With the take-over, BayWa is expanding its national and international specialities business and will take a leading role in the malting barley trade.

Viking Malt Oy and Carlsberg Group have on the 4th of Jan 2016 signed an agreement where Carlsberg sells its subsidiary Danish Malting Group A/S (DMG) to Viking Malt. Parties have also agreed about a long term supply of raw materials for Carlsberg breweries. The transaction is expected to be finalized following the approval of relevant competition authorities. This may take a few months.

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