Isomaltulose (Palatinose™) is a sugar naturally occurring in honey and sugar cane molasses that has become growingly popular as functional carbohydrate for beverage products after its introduction in 2005. It exhibits a number of specific characteristics that make it very suitable for use in human nutrition thus offering great potential for innovative sport- and energy drink concepts as well as functional alcohol-free malt-based beverages with balanced and sustained energy-release profile. Extensive screening tests demonstrated that many common brewing yeasts are unable to ferment isomaltulose which resulted in a positive influence on the mouth-feel of alcohol-reduced and alcohol-free beers that typically lack body.
In all production areas as well as in the laboratory, the Karlsberg Brauerei GmbH in Homburg uses Qualifax® from GQM mbH, Landshut as their information management system, which documents and evaluates production data for every step of the production process. Data are automatically exchanged with the ERP system.
Will I live to the ripe old age of 93 because I have never touched alcohol, but have eaten lots of wholemeal bread, done my exercises and gone to bed early? Or will I escape the Grim Reaper because I enjoy my food and drink, don’t say no to pork crackling followed by two vodkas, organise a large family, listen to Mozart operas and obey the whims of our cat? The self-styled experts in the field of alcohol research will probably underline the former, whereas any self-respecting scientist will argue: that depends. There are thousands of factors influencing our daily life. Yet, again and again, anti-alcohol lobbyists grab the headlines with findings which turn almost everybody, except perhaps for the fundamentalist teetotaller, into a self-abusing binge drinker and hence a burden on society.
”Sustainable development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. For more than twenty years, since the publication of the Brundtland Report on sustainable development, we have heard the message well, yet our faith in the public and private sectors doing the right thing was fairly weak.
If you publically defy the Coca-Cola Company and turn down their buyout offer, you must have an ace up your sleeve. Small wonder that those in the know (and those who’d like to be) watch with abated breath how Germany’s zeitgeist lemonade Bionade hopes to add some fizz to America’s flat carbonates market.
Growing wireless portfolio helps improve brewery efficiency, maintain consistent quality and optimise existing assets. Today, many breweries are assessing a range of automation options, including wireless, that have the potential to improve production efficiency, maintain consistent quality and optimise the use of their existing assets.
The use of adjunct is one of the most important factors in the beer industry, since adjunct not only influences production variables such as quality and cost, but also has an influence on market sales strategy, such as pricing strategy in Japan where liquor tax is assessed according to malt. Although a great deal of knowledge has been accumulated regarding adjuncts such as liquid adjunct (L.A.) and barley, not many reports have been published regarding special quality characteristics derived from these adjuncts, such as beer flavor stability.
A young man leaving his village in west Java for the bustle und hustle of Jakarta, a woman giving birth in the Lagos slum of Makoko, a farmer moving his family into one of Rio de Janeiro’s favelas: No one will have registered the exact event and welcomed the new city dweller with a bunch of flowers. Yet it marked the beginning of a new era in the history of humankind. For the first time ever, the urban population of the earth has outnumbered the rural.
Giorgio Armani has one, Sir Eric Clapton too and even Jean-Paul Belmondo. A holiday home on the Caribbean island of Antigua, that is. For pop nobility, life seems to be an endless row of boats, planes and beautiful women. Life is dedicated to pleasure, one long group holiday that dot-to-dots its way across the Med in the summer and the Caribbean in the winter, with in between breathers at some Harley Street beauty clinic or some chill-out facility for the narcotically-inclined (ahem) in the Arizonan desert.