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Prof. Ing. Gabriela BasaYov?
21 February 2014

Prof. Gabriela BasaYová turned 80 in January

BRAUWELT International congratulates Prof. Ing. Gabriela Basařová, DrSc. on her 80th birthday. Basařová was born on January 17, 1934 in Plzeň to a family of teachers. She graduated from secondary school in Plzeň and Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague, where she studied malting and beer brewing at the Department of Fermentation Chemistry and Technology. After graduating in 1957, she joined Plzeňské Pivovary, where she headed the control and research laboratories.

In 1967, she transferred to the Research Institute of Brewing and Malting in Prague. Here she founded a biochemistry department and later became the Institute’s director.

Between 1981 and 1998, she was the head of the Department of Fermentation Chemistry and Bioengineering at VŠCHT Praha. She taught the following subjects: Malting, Beer brewing, Wine making, Modern biotechnology and bioecology.

She remains an external professor for VŠCHT Praha to this day. She was the first nominee elected into the Hall of Fame of Czech Beer Brewing. At VŠCHT Praha, she was awarded the Prof. K. N. J. Balling and Prof. E. Votoèka medals. The results of her scientific and professional activities have been published in more than 500 articles and six books.

In 2012 the Czech President, Mr. Vaclav Klaus, conferred upon Prof. Basařová the Award of Merit for outstanding achievements in her scientific and pedagogical work.

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