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03 December 2020

Krones’ new climate strategy scientifically sound

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions | Facing up to its entrepreneurial responsibility for today's society and succeeding generations, the Krones Executive Board has adopted a new climate strategy. It includes a comprehensive package of measures aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions across the Group.

Krones is taking this step because its previous climate protection target, namely to cut energy-related CO2 emissions by 30 to 40 percent per million euros in sales, had already been achieved by the end of 2017 and maintained since then. While the targets had previously focused first and foremost on the emissions of the German Krones AG, the new climate strategy is to apply for all production facilities of the whole Group. In addition, the figures to be achieved have been tightened significantly. Krones is now working towards the following absolute reduction targets by 2030:

  • 80 percent lower greenhouse gas emissions from scope 1 and scope 2, which includes all emissions that they cause at their sites, such as through the operation of vehicles and production systems or the use of purchased energy;
  • 25 percent lower greenhouse gas emissions from scope 3, which comprises all further emissions arising from the upstream and downstream value chain.

To obtain objective evidence for itself and its stakeholders, Krones had its climate strategy reviewed by the independent Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi). The result confirms that the Group has taken the right path from a scientific point of view as well. According to the SBTi, Krones' climate targets will help to limit global warming caused by the greenhouse effect to 1.5 degrees Celsius. They have thus been rated as both ambitious and effective – and officially declared Science Based Targets.

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