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18 May 2001

Further investigations into the aniline index (AI)

Following introduction of the aniline index (AI) as an analytical tool in breweries, further investigations were carried out, aimed at finding new uses and deriving more information from the index.

Methodology, the train from mashing-in to storage tank, as well as the behaviour (rise) of the AI during storage of pale bottom fermented beers as a function of temperature and duration were described in a first report (1). A supplementary note: All analytical instruments should always be cleaned carefully (last rinse always with double-distilled water or chromatographic water) as analyses take place in the trace concentration region.

Increase of AI in whirlpool

Fig. 1 shows the increase of the AI and TBI (2) resulting from the wort rest in the whirlpool. 2 and 3).e...

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