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05 July 2013

Operating equipment inspection from the malt intake to the grist bin

Operating equipment inspection (OEI) is a recurring inspection of installed electrical operating equipment. This inspection of the system is legally mandated in the Operational Safety Ordinance 2009/104/EG Recurring inspections. Bühler GmbH has specially trained service technicians for this task in breweries, since only ATEX-trained personnel may carry out OEI.

The OEI procedure begins with the creation/updating of a list of operating equipment. Step two involves checking that each of the individual components functions properly. The actual OEI is carried out after successful inspection or repair of the individual components; for example, a high level indicator is initiated and the inspection determines whether the protective measures function correctly, such as the system being switched into STOP mode by the control system. The internal benefits for the customer are assurance/establishment of the system’s operating reliability and, subsequently, maintenance of workplace safety as well. Furthermore, the risk of unplanned downtimes is reduced. The external benefit is that, as a result, the system is operated in compliance with the law. It is also possible to carry out the regular mechanical system inspection in addition to the OEI if necessary.

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