15 June 2016

A brave band of world-class brewers

Some four centuries ago, French explorers discovered the vast wilderness on either side of the mighty St. Lawrence River, one of the great waterways that drain the North American continent. Most were colonizers like Samuel de Champlain, considered the founder of Canada, or coureurs de bois (scouts) like Étienne Brûlé, who discovered four of the five Great Lakes. These daredevils had brought with them not only their spirit of adventure, fortitude, and commercial ambitions, they also planted the French culture in the New World… and that culture has survived to this day in the French-speaking Canadian Province of Quebec. Naturally, when it comes to beverages, you would think that the alcoholic drink of choice of modern Québécois is classic French, that is, wine. Yet it is not so: A surprisingly large number of European Beer Star winners hail from this area.

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