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AB InBev announced on 28 March 2017 a commitment to secure 100 per cent of the company’s purchased electricity from renewable sources by 2025. This would be a great step forward given that the amount the brewery group purchases today is seven per cent. In total, this will shift six terawatt-hours of electricity annually to renewable sources in the markets where AB InBev operates and will help transform the energy industry in countries like Argentina, Brazil, India and Africa.

The Brewers of Europe welcomes the European Commission’s call of 13 March 2017 for alcoholic drinks to list ingredients and nutrition information, matching the requirement for non-alcoholic beverages that came into force in December 2016. EU rules oblige producers of beverages below 1.2 per cent ABV to list ingredients and provide the seven nutritional values per 100 ml. The EU Regulation also requires companies voluntarily providing ingredients and calorie information for alcoholic beverages above 1.2 per cent ABV to do so per 100 ml.

Sensitive analyses are required for assessing beer ageing because beer contains only low concentrations of relevant compounds. It is possible to identify these compounds: following extraction from beer, thermal desorption-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry is used in the subsequent analysis.

Pentair plc (NYSE: PNR) announced today that it has completed the acquisition of Union Engineering A/S, headquartered in Fredericia, Denmark. Union Engineering specializes in sustainable technologies for capturing, recovering and purification of carbon dioxide.

Mass Flow Online B.V, the e-commerce channel of Bronkhorst High-Tech B.V., announced the release of two new models in their MASS-VIEW series: MV-108 mass flow meter and MV-308 mass flow regulator. With the introduction of the new models, the MASS-VIEW product line has been extended to gas flow rates up to 500 ln/min (N2-equivalent), fulfilling the demand from industrial users e.g. for gas supply in burner applications, chemical processes, and systems in the food & beverage industry. The instruments provide local display as well as an electronic output signal and feature an accuracy of ±1 % RD plus ±0.5 % FS up to 250 ln/min and ±2 % RD for higher flow rates..

With its recent property purchase, Doemens Academy has set the course for "Doemens 2020", an ambitious new project. With support from the municipality of Gräfelfing, the relevant notarial agreement was signed on December 16th, 2016. On January 31st, 2017, the municipal council unanimously approved the property sale. Investment costs for acquisition of the more than 5 000 m² site at Lohenstraße amount to approximately 3.3 million EUR.

A new Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.) in Brewing Science is expected to start in the winter semester 2017/18 at TU Berlin, initially with admission for 20 students (standard duration of study 6 semesters, 180 credits). The new study programme developed by Faculty III of TU Berlin together with its Department of Brewing Science replaces the former study programme Brewing Technology (Brautechnisches Fachstudium) that was graduated with the Diploma degree “Diplom-Braumeister”. The study programme Brewing Technology cannot be continued as a Diploma degree according to the Berlin Higher Education Act (BerlHG). The Study and Examination Regulations for the B.Eng. in Brewing Science have passed through the university boards of TU Berlin and have already been submitted to the Berlin Senate Administration for approval; by subsequent publication of a notice in the Official Journal of TU Berlin the Study and Examination Regulations will become effective.

Entries to the International Brewing & Cider Awards 2017 are set to exceed that of previous years, say organisers Brewing & Technology Services, who attribute the uplift in the number and diversity of entries to new classes introduced to the competitions this year, as well as growing awareness of the Awards among producers and brand owners worldwide.

The results are always eagerly awaited: Beside the Thomson Reuters Corporation, which determines an impact factor as a measure reflecting the yearly average number of citations to articles recently published in scientific journals, the publisher Elsevier probably operates the best known database for peer-reviewed scientific publications: Scopus. The current bibliometric indicators for 2015 have now been published by Elsevier.

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