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15 June 2005

Beer stabilisation using silica gel

The article tries to connect theoretical basics and new findings in producing and using of silica gel as beer stabilisation medium. Against the background of the still existing need for research possible ways of research and development are shown that can serve as platform for both interested manufacturers and users for further discussion. Silica gel is a synthetic product based on silica in powder form with different water content. With a D50-value of approx. 25 µm and a D90-value of approx. 100 µm regarding its particle size distribution silica gel is a fine to medium fine product (D50-value = mesh size of a sieve in µm for 50 % transit of the material; D90-value = mesh size of a sieve in µm for 90 % transit of the material). In both cases water glass is the determining main component. .

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