A new wort boiling systemPart I: First results from pilot tests
At first glance, wort boiling seems to be a very simple process. In the classical manner, the wort is boiled for about 75 - 90 minutes at atmospheric pressure. After hot break separation, the wort is cooled, aerated and yeast is added.
Past experience has shown that every change in boiling conditions, equipment or technology, e.g. vessel shape, type of heating, heating medium, boiling time or boiling temperature, leads to changes in beer quality, frequently these turn out to be negative (1).
Heat requirements in beer production amount overall to about 145 - 285 MJ/hl of sales beer. Wort preparation, requiring 81 - 128 MJ/hl of sales beer, accounts for the largest energy input (2). Of this, wort boiling requires 24 - 54 MJ/hl (3).g.