Technical Support | As usual in December, we’re pleased to inform you about this year’s ratio of linalool to alpha acids.
Newsletter, October 2019 | The demand for a very easy-flowing CO2-Extract which flows well enough to be dosed at low temperatures has now been met by the creation of our Hopsteiner HopFlow.
Hop market | The crop estimate for the Hallertau was announced on August 21st, meaning that crop 2019 estimates have now been submitted for all German hop growing areas.
Hopsteiner Newsletter 08/2019 | The aims of the Hopsteiner breeding program are two fold.
Hopsteiner Newsletter 07/2019 | Hopsteiner Germany has built a new cold store for baled leaf hops.
Hopsteiner Newsletter 06/2019 | The survey of hop acreage in 2019 is completed.
Hopsteiner Newsletter 05/2019 – The International Bitterness Units test, IBU, was developed in the 1960’s to measure the iso-alpha acid concentration in beer. The test is a simple liquid-liquid extraction where 10 ml of beer is extracted with 20 ml of acidified isooctane by shaking the two in a testtube for 15 minutes.
The 2018 Hopsteiner Guidelines are ready and will be available at BrauBeviale 2018 in Nuremberg.