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02 March 2020

Support for BrewingScience

BrewingScience | The scientific journal BrewingScience published by Fachverlag Hans Carl in Nuremberg is looking forward to active support from science and practice: Four new experts from Germany and abroad have been strengthening the international group of experts since January 2020.

The experts scrutinize submitted entries in an anonymous review process, that is, they examine whether a contribution meets the scientific requirements of such a magazine. Only then will the articles be published in BrewingScience.

The new BrewingScience reviewers are: Dr. Maximilian Michel, Great Britain; Gani Kucukkomurcu, Turkey; Dr. Michael Hagemann, Germany; and Dr. Takeo Imai, Japan. Dr. Stefan Lustig, Turkey, joins the BrewingScience editorial board.

Dr. Maximilian Michel, United Kingdom

Dr. Maximilian Michel started working as Brewery Consultant at the Research Center Weihenstephan in 2014, and finished his PhD in brewing in 2018 there. During that time he investigated the application of non-Saccharomyces yeast as starter cultures in brewing. Further he worked on the improvement of brewing yeast fermentations, invented new quality control methods for starter cultures and investigated the ability of yeasts to produce novel flavours. His area of expertise includes: brewing microbiology, yeast, fermentation performance and alternative starter cultures. Since 2020 he has been working for Finlays, United Kingdom, as principal scientist in product development.

Dr. Maximilian Michel

 Gani Kucukkomurcu, Turkey

Gani Kucukkomurcu holds a B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering from the Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkey and a M.Sc. in Brewing and Distilling from Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom. He joined Efes Beer Group – Adana Brewery in 1996, where he started working as Brewing Engineer. He continued his career as Brewing Supervisor in Adana Brewery, Brewery Manager in Luleburgaz Brewery, and technical manager in Istanbul Brewery. In 2006, he was appointed Technical Director in Efes Kazakhstan, and in 2009, Technical Director of Efes Turkey. In January 2020, he became Technical Director at Efes Beer Group. His field of experience comprises barley (incl. breeding, cultivation), malting technology, brewhouse technology, high gravity brewing, fermentation technology, flavour stability, and brewery design and infrastructure.

Gani Kucukkomurcu

Dr. Michael Helmut Hagemann, Germany

Dr. Michael Helmut Hagemann studied biology at the Universities of Düsseldorf and Bonn. Since 2009, Dr. Hagemann has been working at the University of Hohenheim in the field of crop physiology and molecular biology of specialty crops. In 2013 he extended his field of research to plant pathology and hops genetics. His current research is focused on functional genomics of hops, modern breeding techniques and hop viroid screening.

Dr. Michael H. Hagemann

Dr. Takeo Imai, Japan

Dr. Takeo Imai studied and received his PhD at the University of Tokyo. He started his professional career at Kirin Brewery Co. in Japan in 1985. Between 1996 and 1998 he studied brewing technology at TU Weihenstephan with Prof. Werner Back. He then went back to Kirin Brewery, from which he retired in March 2020. Dr. Imai possesses a treasure trove of experience, among other things, in the area of research and development of brewery technologies (in particular wort production, yeast and fermentation) and in the development of new beer categories. He has written numerous publications and received awards from the Brewing Society of Japan (BCoJ) and the Master Brewers Association of the Americas (MBAA).

Dr. Stefan Lustig joins the Editorial Board

With the former President of the European Brewery Convention (EBC) Dr. Stefan Lustig, Efes Beer Group, the editorial board of BrewingScience gains excellent support. After working at Brauerei Beck & Co in Bremen, Anheuser-Busch InBev Germany and Paulaner Brewery Group, Munich, the brewing engineer who graduated from Weihenstephan joined Efes Beer Group where he has been working as Supply Chain Director since 2019.


Dr. Stefan Lustig joins the Editorial Board of BrewingScienc


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