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04 April 2014

Parliament Resolution highlights need to tackle alcohol misuse in Europe

Following the adoption of a Resolution on the EU Alcohol Strategy by the European Parliament’s Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety in March 2014, The Brewers of Europe reiterate the Brewers’ commitment to action against alcohol-related harm.

The Brewers believe that targeted actions against alcohol misuse are a prerequisite for achieving the objectives of the EU Strategy to support Member States in reducing alcohol-related harm. Although alcohol consumption has declined during the economic crisis, significant alcohol misuse-related problems still remain, including underage and binge drinking, as well as drink-driving and drinking during pregnancy.

The Brewers are fully engaged in initiatives targeted at alcohol misuse through major commitments, such as the EU Beer Pledge, marketing self-regulation, the SMART project aimed at reducing drink driving, launched in collaboration with the EU-wide NGO the European Transport Safety Council, and the European Alcohol & Health Forum, and are also involved in a multitude of local partnerships.

They remain supportive of the current EU Strategy, which gives a key role to the European Union in steering national and local discussions via the sharing of best practices, data and evidence.

 “In all of our efforts to tackle alcohol misuse we should not lose sight of the fact that beer is a social drink that, when consumed in moderation – as is done by the vast majority – can form part of an adult’s balanced and healthy lifestyle. Indeed the Resolution recognises this fact and as Brewers we are committed to the ongoing promotion of responsible beer consumption”, says Pierre Olivier Bergeron, Secretary General of The Brewers of Europe.

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