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26 November 2021

Maltsters’ Association of Great Britain: Annual General Meeting 2021

Many challenges | At the beginning of November, the Maltsters’ Association of Great Britain (MAGB) held their Annual General Meeting in online format as the pandemic continues to restrict the ability to meet face to face. The Annual Luncheon was once again postponed but has now been firmly booked for next year when it will return to the Armourers Hall in London on 1st November 2022.

The MAGB Chairman, Adrian Dyter, described how the sector has recovered from the worst effects of the pandemic and has subsequently dealt with the shortage of HGV drivers as well as a lack of shipping containers, whilst servicing customer requirements which have been changing rapidly as production of beer and whisky returns to pre-pandemic levels. Despite these continuing problems, and the increasing turbulence in energy markets, maltsters continue to invest in new and existing facilities to enable future growth.

MAGB are working closely with plant breeders and farmers to ensure a strong agricultural supply chain to deliver the increased requirements for high quality malting barley. Support for initiatives such as the International Barley Hub1 will help ensure this is in line with sustainability goals and link to the need to manage carbon emissions in line with the UK government net zero strategy. The message was reiterated that it is important to work together on common goals, something which is helped by having a strong sector Association in the MAGB.

MAGB represents all aspects of the malting industry including distiller maltsters who produce malt for their own use and those companies who produce malt to sell in the UK and abroad. Its 11 members represent 98 per cent of the malt produced in the UK each year. The MAGB’s purpose is to promote and safeguard the UK malting industry, so enabling it to fulfil its worldwide potential.

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