Gushing tendency and foam stability
Whenever gushing in beer has been discussed in recent years, the blame was placed mainly on the mould fungi Fusarium graminearum and Fusarium culmorium. When commenting on the phenomenon at the "Gräfelfinger Praxistage" conference in 1999, Dr. Fritz Schur, Managing Director of Doemens Training and Research Institute, made it quite clear that over 99% of gushing is caused by calcium oxalate precipitation in the beer.
What is determining is the solubility product L’ of calcium oxalate
L’ = [Ca++] . [C2O4- -] in mol2/l2
More recent investigations have shown that, owing to the presence in wort and beer of other dissolved substances, e.g. the chelating agents peptides, amino acids, gelatines, etc. But in Dr. "Weizenbier" from bottle fermentation is particularly at risk.