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From left to right: Carlos Eduardo Praxedes (Sales Director, Quality Machines), Rolf Geissinger (Managing Director, Optima do Brasil) and Genivaldo Paixão Praxedes (Technical Director, Quality Machines) are pleased about the new alliance (Photo: Optima)
05 February 2020

Cooperation agreement in the South American pharmaceuticals and consumer market

Optima | Optima do Brasil has entered into a partnership with the Brazilian mechanical engineering company Quality Machines based in Campinas.

This initiative is part of the Schwaebisch Hall-based company’s comprehensive globalization strategy. Both companies’ customers will benefit from the cooperation. The new alliance was presented at an Open House Show at Optima do Brasil at the end of November 2019, where both partners’ machines were on display.

In Brazil, Quality Machines has gained a reputation as a reliable partner for cost-efficient mechanical engineering projects for the South American market. Optima do Brasil is distributing Optima Group’s technology for the pharmaceuticals, consumer goods, medical devices and paper hygiene market segments throughout South America. Market-specific machine solutions are manufactured directly on site. The Optima CP4NG Case Packer, the FM1 Filling Machine and CM1 Closing Machine are a particularly important part of the portfolio.

Optima do Brasil will be supporting Quality Machines particularly in After Sales. Within the framework of Optima Total Care Life Cycle Management, they ensure safe and reliable production of the systems installed in South America long after commissioning. A part of the Life-Cycle-Management Program is Basic Services and Smart Services. Basic Services include support during commissioning, retrofitting and upgrading, training of plant operators, ”embedded engineers” and the production of spare parts directly in Brazil. Smart Services are digital solutions that provide the best possible support in terms of plant efficiency, predictive maintenance, knowledge management and solutions to problems – for example with remote support using augmented reality eyewear.

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