15 December 2010

Brand values

Determining sensory preferences | Bidding for brands in the international beer market place has reached a peak. By mimicking the “growth by acquisition” of the main players in the spirits sector global brewers appear to have an insatiable appetite plus inexhaustible coffers for any attractive beer brand which appears to be in the shop window. This has brought with it a new set of problems with the pressing need for exceptional brand image creativity to help separate the sheep from the goats, coping with a self-opinionated retail trade diffident in its respect for brand propositions, and other market stresses. If the inherent sensory quality factors of drinking a particular beer could be understood in consumer preference terms would that help influence the buying decision? Acknowledging the difficulty in measuring these intrinsic values of a brand has been a block in the past. In partnership with a prominent UK market research organisation (Marketing Sciences of Winchester, UK) Better Lines has developed a methodology based on sensory evaluations/selected chemical analyses to identify the principal components determining consumer sensory preference.

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