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08 November 2013

EESC calls on EU policymakers to incentivise growth in European beer sector

The Brewers of Europe welcomes a new report, adopted yesterday evening by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), which recognises the potential of the beer sector to generate jobs and growth and calls on EU policymakers and Member States to back the sector.

 The Opinion, ‘Incentivising the growth potential of the European beer industry’, notes the evolution of the sector and its adaptation and resilience in challenging economic circumstances. It praises the sector’s efforts in areas such as employment,

sustainability, innovation, education and social inclusion, and outlines the benefits of a supportive and balanced regulatory framework.

Joining a growing body of research, including a September 2013 Ernst & Young study, the Opinion notes the important role of the brewing sector in providing jobs both as a direct employer and as part of the hospitality sector value chain. The report says

breweries in the EU provide over 128,800 direct jobs and that 2 million jobs can be attributed to the sale of beer, about 1% of all EU jobs.

 Pierre-Olivier Bergeron, Secretary General at The Brewers of Europe, said, “The new report shows that Europe’s brewers remain global leaders and that we have adapted in the face of economic crisis. However, the report makes clear that there is untapped potential in our sector and that supportive taxation and trade policies, along with full recognition of the important role of the hospitality sector, can help us maintain our global standing and provide growth and jobs.”

The Opinion also provides recommendations on how brewing companies and policymakers can manage 21st century challenges in the areas of market and structural trends, taxation, international trade, employment, environmental sustainability, corporate responsibility, research, education and innovation.

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