Trials with an alternative filter aid based on cellulose fibre
Apart from membrane filtration, no means of beverage filtration exists which can do without filter aids. Practically from the beginning of beverage filtration, filter aids have been used. Initially, mass filters for example were used containing a mix of cellulose and asbestos, these had to be washed labour-intensively by hand after filtration. Then kieselguhr and perlite soon made their way into filtration. A lively, sometimes controversial discussion about kieselguhr has currently sprung up.
The outstanding filtration characteristics of kieselguhr are not in doubt.
In terms of adsorption, separation selectivity, consumption and cost/benefit (leaving aside the costs of disposal), kieselguhr cannot be surpassed by any other filter aid. Rettenmaier & Söhne GmbH + Co.