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09 December 2019

Brewing Techniques in Practice

As for late, "Brewing Techniques in Practice" by W. Back, M. Gastl, M. Krottenthaler, L. Narziss, M. Zarnkow has been published. The volume is the completely revised and updated English translation of the handbook “Ausgewählte Kapitel der Brautechnologie”.

This handbook addresses both students of brewing technology and technological practitioners. It provides a comprehensive overview of raw materials, modern plant and process engineering, quality characteristics, stability values, sensory analysis, microbiology, speciality beers and health aspects.

Information on beer styles and brewing methods commonplace outside of Germany has been incorporated into this volume. Craft beer has also been taken into consideration. The existing chapters were revised and updated to reflect the current state of scientific findings and technical knowledge. Like the original text, the English edition has been organized along thematic lines, which address routine day-to day tasks faced by brewing technologists.

Biochemical fundamentals and technological interrelationships are impressively depicted in well-arranged tables and illustrations. A table has been added to this English edition providing conversions of international units along with key indicators for technical processes. Additionally it includes an overview of the requirements of the German purity law (Reinheitsgebot) and a section dedicated to distinguishing the purity law from the current provisional beer law (Vorläufiges Biergesetz).

The clear arrangement of this book and the accompanying discussion of various problematic cases, as well as presentation of appropriate methods of resolution, make this handbook indispensable for practitioners.

It can be ordered under product number 0852 at Fachverlag Hans Carl GmbH, Nuremberg, Germany, phone: +49-911-95285-31, email: or

Brewing Techniques in Practice, 2019, 396 pages, hardcover, Fachverlag Hans Carl GmbH, Nuremberg, EUR 99.00, ISBN: 978-3-418-00852-3

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