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18 April 2012

Time required for the removal of paper labels in bottle washers

An important criterion for cleaning returnable glass bottles is the time required for the removal of the paper labels. If the adhesive affixing the labels to the surface of the bottles is dissolved too slowly, the labels may be carried into the spray zones of the bottle washing machine, where they can block the spray nozzles and hinder effective cleaning of the bottles. Within the framework of the IGF research project 15343 N, the dissolution of adhesive and removal of different kinds of paper labels from glass bottles was studied by varying a number of factors influencing this process. Subsequently, an expanded model of the removal process for paper labels was developed. This research and the resulting model serves as the basis for a critical review of the relevance of the existing DIN 16524-6 standard for determining the time required for the removal of paper labels [5].

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