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ADVERTORIAL 02 June 2010

World beer analysis

Once every two years we publish the results of our world beer analyses. For this study, worldwide brands with a yearly production of at least 1 Million hl were selected. These brands represent approx. 43% of the total beer production in 2009, about 720 Million hl beer respectively.

The following chart shows the development of the alpha dosage based on LCV (lead conductance value) within the last decade.


In 2009 once again a slight decline can be noticed. Currently approx. 4.0g alpha (LCV) is used for the production of one hl beer.

The division per continent is shown in the second chart.


As expected Europe is still leader in terms of alpha dosage. Beers from Africa are clearly more bitter than American and Asian beers. Brands from China are mainly responsible for the low average in alpha dosage in Asia. Compared to other countries in Asia, these brands are mostly below 10 bitter units.

Summing up, the trend to reduce bitterness is still present but curbed. Most noticeably the biggest, and still increasing, Chinese beer market influences the trend to a lower dosage of used gram alpha per hl beer.

Read the complete article here!

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