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ADVERTORIAL 01 October 2010

Application of HOPSTEINER LSKE for Light Stable Beer

Light Stable Kettle Extract (LSKE) can be used to brew beers in much the same way as beers produced using conventional CO2-Extract.

LSKE has the same composition as CO2-Extract, the only difference being that the alpha acid has been fully converted to rhohydroiso-alpha acid, resulting in a light-stable extract.

LSKE must be added in the brewhouse. If necessary, Tetra can be added prior to filtration to help enhance foam , but its bittering power must be taken into consideration when calculating the final required bitterness. At 45-55% the yield of LSKE is comparable to that of Rho 35 % or Rho concentrate.

Please note that a factor must be used to compensate the weaker sensory bitterness perception when using LSKE.

The table displayed below shows a dosing recipe for a light stable beer with 15 bitter units acquired sensorically.

The point at which the extract is added to the wort depends on the rhoiso-alpha acid’s rate of dissolution during boiling and the desired hop aroma. A maximum of 20 minutes boiling time is required for complete dissolution. By sticking to this boiling time, a pronounced hop aroma can be achieved. If this is not required, boiling time for the extract can be increased with no loss of bitter substances. Dosing of LSKE can be split into more than one addition.

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