Running for senate
It must be something in the water. Or why would Colorado brewers want to become politicians? Last year Denver brewer John Hickenlooper stood for mayor of his city - and won. This year it is Pete Coors, 58, chairman of the Coors Brewing Co. who is has stuck out his head (and spent more than USD400,000 of his own money) as a Republican candidate for the Senate to save his party’s Colorado seat. Mr Coors won his party’s nomination in August only after what local observers described as an acriacrimonious inner-party battle against his rival Bob Schaffer, an ultra-conservative who steadfastly refused to campaign on Sundays.
The GOP’s (as the Republican Party is also called) internal bickering raised many an eyebrow. After all, the Colorado is a swing state.e.S. Hey, he had to sell beer..