Don’t cry for me Argentina
True, the song has been over-used. But the owner of Germany’s Warsteiner brewery, Albert Cramer, has every reason to whistle the tune each time they play it on the radio. After all, ten year’s into his investment in Argentina, he can look back and say, whatever happened, "the truth is I never left you". Three years ago we at Brauwelt were amazed how nonchalantly the then Managing Director of Warsteiner let it be known at a high-powered meeting of brewers from around the world that War-steiner’s brewery in Argentina, Isenbeck, was up for grabs. "Got a brewery there. You interested?" Well, the man is no more. That’s why in November, on the tenth anniversary of the Isenbeck brewery in Buenos Aires there were smiling faces all around. So much for Argentina’s politics. Ho.