31 July 2008

Bavaria’s treasurer arrested on charges of embezzlement

They either did not pay him enough or his criminal energy ran high – Colombia’s attorney general’s office arrested on 13 July Sunday the treasurer of the country’s largest brewer, Bavaria, owned by London-based SABMiller.

According to media reports, Carlos German Quintero was apprehended after allegedly diverting about 1.4 billion Colombia pesos (USD 823,500) of Bavaria’s funds. The attorney general’s office is investigating whether Quintero wired the funds to his personal banking accounts.

Bavaria said that as a result of its own internal controls and embezzlement investigation, it submitted information to the attorney general’s office and a judge, who found enough evidence to order the arrest of Quintero.

Bavaria declined to provide further information, citing the legal investigation is currently underway.

Quintero, who worked at Bavaria for four years, initially as an investor relations officer and as a treasurer, was fired the following day.

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