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10 May 2001

Be hard, drink soft

Although Germany has not succeeded yet in following the WHO’s recommendation to reduce per capita alcohol consumption to 2 litres annually - Germans on average still drink 10 litres of alcohol - the decline in alcohol consumption across the board in recent years has made health advocates cautiously optimistic. In its annual report, the German Agency Against the Dangers of Addiction, lists the government’s revenue from alcohol consumption at DM7.1 billion (US$3.75 billion) in 1998. The costs of alcohol abuse are estimated at DM60 billion (US$31.7 billion). For comparison, revenues from smoking are DM20 billion (US$10.5 billion), costs are DM80 billion (US$42.3 billion).
The issue communicated by members of the prevention community is not a NO to alcohol as such..

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