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05 July 2007

RTDs are here to stay

Ready-to-drink alcoholic beverages (RTDs) have revolutionised alcohol sales in Australia and it is no secret that bourbon RTDs have been a major driver of the success of RTDs in the past five years.

In the 12 months to January 2007, writes John Harvey from Adelaide, RTDs and cider accounted for 21 percent and bottled spirits for 16 percent of total retail value in the off-trade sector.

Packaged beer was 39 percent and wine 24 percent.

RTD growth rate slowed slightly from 9.5 percent to 7.4 percent.

Bourbon RTDs accounted for almost AUD 1 in every AUD 10 spent on off-premise packaged liquor. Vodka RTDs outgrew the segment at 14.8 percent.

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