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02 September 2021

The 11th Ibero-American VLB Symposium will be held in virtual format

Online only | Finally, and after weighing the situation of the pandemic and mobility limitations, especially in Latin America, VLB Berlin has decided to hold the 11th Ibero-American Symposium in digital format.

The Symposium will be based on the already proven and successful platform “VLB Virtual Campus”. This will enable attendees to participate from the safety of their homes or offices. As far as possible, the preferred language of the presentations as well as the moderation of the event will be in Spanish.

“We did not want to postpone such an important event, which has already become an obligatory reference in the Ibero-American brewing sector. Additionally, the digital platform that we have developed has proven to be a very valuable alternative […]”, said Josef Fontaine, CEO of VLB Berlin. "The comments we have received from the other VLB virtual conferences not only confirm the great acceptance by the audience, but have also helped us to refine and improve the format," he added enthusiastically.

For three days, from 21 to 23 September 2021, participants will have the opportunity to attend a number of presentations with current topics and a practical approach, something that characterizes the international conferences of VLB Berlin. Additionally, the virtual exhibition of suppliers of raw materials and equipment will be available on the Virtual Campus.

The 11th Ibero-American Symposium follows the successful series of VLB international conferences that, in 2021, will be held in a purely digital way, allowing fellow Ibero-American brewers not only to keep up to date, but to maintain their networking through the "VLB Virtual Campus" platform. First-class lectures, Q&A sessions after each presentation, and possibilities for meetings and interaction through video chat rooms, and other tools available on the platform, will almost make you forget that the conference is purely digital.

Further information is available from the VLB website.

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