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ADVERTORIAL 04 June 2019

Stefan Kreisz new Chairman of the Technical Scientific Committee (TSC) of VLB Berlin

Dr. Stefan Kreisz (Erdinger Weißbräu) was elected to serve as the new chairman during a meeting of VLB Berlin’s Technical Scientific Committee on 11 March in Europa-Park in Rust, Germany. He succeeds Dr. Dietrich Mönch, who had chaired the committee since 2016. Dr. Paul Panglisch also stepped down after many years as Chairman of the TSC working group for Filling, Packaging, and Utilities.

In the final meeting of the Technical Scientific Committee (TSC) at the 106th Brewing and Machine Technology Conference of VLB Berlin in Europa-Park in Rust, Germany, on 11 March 2019, Dr. Stefan Kreisz, Head of Quality Management, Research, and Development at the privately held brewery Erdinger Weißbräu Werner Brombach GmbH, was elected as the new chairman of the committee. He succeeds Dr. Dietrich Mönch, who had chaired the committee since October 2016 and did not stand for re-election.

As Chairman of the TSC, Kreisz is also a member of VLB Berlin’s Board of Directors. Peter Peschmann, Brauerei C. & A. Veltins, will remain Vice Chairman of the TSC.

Dr. Paul Panglisch Steps Down

There were further changes in the TSC Filling, Packaging, and Utilities working group as well. After 22 years as an active member, including 11 years as chairman of the working group, Dr. Paul Panglisch, Technical Director at Radeberger Exportbierbrauerei, has stepped down. He is succeeded as chairman of this working group by Thomas Faber, Technical Manager at Erdinger Weißbräu.

Thomas Faber (left) succeeded Dr. Paul Panglisch (center), who is retiring, as Chairman of the Filling, Packaging, and Utilities working group (Photos: ew)

The TSC encompasses the following working groups:

  • Filling, Packaging, and Utilities
    Chairman: Thomas Faber, Erdinger Weißbräu
  • Environment, Resource Management, and Safety at Work
    Chairman: Werner Sauer, Privatbrauerei Sauer & Hartwig
  • Production and Brewing Technology
    Chairman: Dr. Stefan Kreisz, Erdinger Weißbräu
  • Quality Assurance and Analytical Technology
    Chairman: Frank Homann, Warsteiner-Brauerei
  • Raw Materials, Malting, and Hop Processing
    Chairman: Dr. Christian Müller, IREKS

The Technical Scientific Committee is one of VLB Berlin’s central working groups. Up to 150 representatives from VLB and its members come together to share experience at the TSC meetings held twice a year in March and October.

The committee’s mandate is to explore future-oriented topics of practical relevance for the brewing, malting, and beverage industries.

Acceptance into the TSC is tied to VLB membership. Representatives of associations and scientific institutions can also be named as members of the TSC.


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