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ADVERTORIAL 18 March 2022

2021 United States hop crop & hop acreage report

Hop market | On Dec. 17, 2021, the US Department of Agriculture reported that US hop production for 2021, in the States of Washington, Idaho, and Oregon increased 11% yielding 115.6 million pounds vs 103.8 million pounds for 2020. Total acreage increased 4% to 60 872 acres, from 58 641 acres in 2020. The hop yield per acre for 2021 was 1900 pounds per acre vs. 1770 pounds per acre in 2020. Washington State produced 73% of the crop followed by Idaho at 16% and Oregon at 11%.

In addition to the three main hop growing States of Washington, Idaho, and Oregon, almost every other State in the USA are growing hops, although most of these States are growing less than 30 acres. According to Hop Growers of America three States are growing more than 100 acres. Michigan grew 375 acres in 2021 down from 810 acres four years ago. New York 300 acres down from 400 acres four years ago and Nebraska 197 acres up from 17 acres four years ago.

States that once grew over 100 acres have reduced their acreage significantly over the years. Wisconsin grew 40 acres last year down from 297 acres just two years ago. Colorado grew 10 acres last year down from 200 acres four years ago. California grew 50 acres last year down from 130 acres two years ago. Non-Pacific Northwest hop growing acreage decreased by 44% over the last four years from 2500 acres to 1380 acres.

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