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05 December 2024

Ferrum and KHS take over H. F. Meyer

Germany | As of 1 January 2025, Ferrum Packaging AG, manufacturer of can seamers for the beverage industry, and KHS GmbH are to take over H.F. Meyer Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG.

H.F. Meyer has particular strengths in specific canning technology segments, including can turners and rinsers and vacuum bridges, and will contribute its specialist expertise to the merger that perfectly supplements Ferrum’s and KHS’ areas of competence. It will remain an independent company within the consortium.

By integrating H.F. Meyer into the Ferrum Group, a competence center for canning technology will be formed that is specialized in the development of innovative systems and solutions.

The mechanical engineering company from Schleswig-Holstein, with a second facility in Bavaria, employs around 100 people, with whom H.F. Meyer has earned itself an excellent reputation over the years as a supplier of canning technology to the beverage industry.

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