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09 May 2024

Centec and Solos (Prodalim) to sign cooperation agreement

Germany | Centec and Solos by Prodalim have agreed to cooperate on the construction of modules for aroma recovery from a vacuum rectification plant based on a regenerable resin bed according to the patented process of FlavoLogic, a subsidiary of Prodalim. These modules are to be used in particular in dealcoholization plants of the “DeAlcoTec” type from Centec GmbH to further optimize the taste of the end product. The collaboration includes planning, project execution, delivery, installation and commissioning for the dealcoholization of fermented products such as wine, cider, beer and spirits.

The world is experiencing a dramatic growth in demand for high-quality alcohol-free products. The main challenge of the industry is the loss of aroma during the process. The combination between the great knowhow and experience of Centec in building alcohol removal equipment, and the advanced patented aroma recovery technology of Solos, brings a full premium quality solution to the industry.

With the contractually agreed cooperation, the project partners are jointly pursuing the goal of having Centec build the improved aroma recovery method patented by FlavoLogic and integrating it into new and existing “DeAlcoTec” plants as an optional module. Furthermore, Prodalim service centres equipped with “DeAlcoTec”/FlavoLogic technology are to be created worldwide as a result of this collaboration, which will enable dealcoholization on a contract basis for local customers.

Centec DeAlcoTec

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