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Stefan Scheiber (Photo: Bühler)
22 February 2024

Annual results 2023: Reliability in a dynamic world

Bühler AG | In 2023, Bühler successfully navigated a complex and volatile global landscape and increased its profitability. The equity ratio also further improved. As an innovative solution provider, the company benefited from many opportunities and gained market share from transitions in its key markets.

In local currencies, turnover grew strongly, and orders improved slightly. With a high order book of CHF 2.0 billion, Bühler is well positioned for 2024. “We are satisfied with the outcome of 2023 and have proved again that we are a reliable partner in this dynamic world,” says Bühler CEO Stefan Scheiber.

At Group level and in Swiss Francs, Bühler performed well with a slightly increased turnover of CHF 3.0 billion (+1.0 %). Order intake was CHF 3.2 billion (–3.8 %) and the order book remained high at CHF 2.0 billion. EBIT rose by 8.9 % to CHF 216 million with a corresponding EBIT margin of 7.2 % (prior year: 6.7 %). Net profit increased by 16.3 % to CHF 179 million (prior year: CHF 154 million), corresponding with a margin of 5.9 % (prior year: 5.2 %). The impact of foreign exchange rates was significant. In local currencies, orders improved by 2 % to CHF 3.3 billion, turnover by 7 % to CHF 3.2 billion, and EBIT by 17 % to CHF 233 million.

In 2023, Bühler continued to strengthen its financial position, increasing the equity ratio to 51.1 % (prior year: 49.8 %).

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