Out of Africa
In an effort to reduce dependency on earnings from its African subsidiaries, South African Breweries seems to have thrown desiring glances across the Atlantic. According to a rumour published in the British Sunday Times of 12 August, SAB is in talks to buy Kaiser, Brazil’s second largest brewer with a market share of 13% in 2000 and an output of 11m hl beer. Kaiser has been struggling for some time. Last year its losses amounted to R$68m, 44% worse than in 1999. Since 1997, Kaiser has lost 2.6m hl of beer sales.
According to research by A.C.Nielsen, Brazilian beer sales in March were as follows: Skol 32.6%, Brahma 22.1%, Antarctica 15%, Kaiser 13.6%, Schincariol 8.9%, Bavaria 3.5% and others 4.3%. Kaiser is controlled by Coca-Cola..