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05 April 2019

BrewDog makes staff wear t-shirts with negative reviews

United Kingdom | BrewDog’s staff must share the founders’ profound sense of irony if they can be persuaded to wear t-shirts at work with slogans taken from negative reviews.

James Watt twittered on 22 March 2019: “Some new t-shirts for our staff highlighting some of the more interesting things people say about us :)”

The t-shirts display negative comments left by customers about BrewDog’s pubs online. One reads: “BrewDog bars are hipster cretin hangouts. I only force myself to go for the vegan burger.” Another: “Have not tried their beer because I could not bring myself to say any of the names out loud.”

This is the second time BrewDog has printed less than flattering remarks on clothing. The first range was unveiled in September 2017.

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