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07 May 2001

Early warning

Just as well Beck’s financial year 1999/2000 ended 30 June 2000. Thus the German brewer reaped the awards of unexpectedly high spring sales and avoided entering the figures for the rest of the year into its books. In 1999/2000, Beck’s Brewery sold more than 5.36 million hl of beer, of which 4.4 million hl were the Beck’s brand. Only 1.86 million hl of Beck’s were sold domestically (+ 3 % over 1998/1999). Almost 2.6 million hl were exported.
In Italy and the United Kingdom, Beck’s performed well; in the US, sales increased 3.5 %. While export volumes went up 7 %, volumes of Beck’s produced under licence declined dramatically to 163,000 hl from 481,000 hl in 1998/99. Now that got us wondering..

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