A new benchmark in beer filtration enzymes
A new benchmark in beer filtration enzymes
Novozymes has launched Ultraflo Max, a new, unique beer filtration enzyme that offers the best, longest and most consistent beer filtration cycles in the market. Ultraflo Max lowers arabino-xylan values in addition to beta-glucans, changing the benchmark for beer filtration.
Traditionally, brewers have looked at beta-glucan levels to determine the negative effect on filtration—higher the level of beta-glucans, shorter the beer filtration cycle. New research and enzyme technology focuses not only on beta-glucans but on levels of arabino-xylans as well to determine the efficiency of beer filtration.
The unique enzyme activity degrades the remaining cell walls in the wort to reduce viscosity, ensuring longer and consistent filtration cycles regardless of malt quality. “Ultraflo Max gives the best beer filtration, which means an increase in capacity and reduction in processing costs. Breweries using well-modified malt get good beer filtration without external enzymes, but it can help them get even better and longer filtration cycles, leading to an increase in capacity,” says Patrick Patterson, Global Marketing Manager for the brewing industry at Novozymes.
Breweries using under-modified malt struggle to achieve consistent filtration cycles. This can now be achieved along with better and longer filtration cycles with Ultraflo Max.
“Ultraflo Max also reduces the use of filter aids (kieselguhr) by lowering wort viscosity and ensuring longer filtration cycles - leading to cost savings. In addition, it ensures longer life and less frequent cleaning of filters, and improved cross flow membrane filtration, leading to less downtime,” says Patterson. Thus, it ensures more brews per day by reducing mash separation time and offers the opportunity to increase brewing gravity due to its ability to lower wort viscosity.