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24 May 2019

Coopers launches Master of the Brewniverse award

Australia | Coopers Brewery, Australia’s largest family-owned brewery, is currently searching for the nation’s best homebrewer through its Master of the Brewniverse competition.

The winning beer will be brewed and canned by Coopers and then sold nationally through the liquor chain Dan Murphy’s.

Coopers’ home brew kits have been a fixture in Australia since the early 1970s. They include everything homebrewers need to make great tasting beer in four simple steps: mix, brew, bottle, enjoy!

As their popularity has waned in recent years, Coopers has decided to create some awareness around the products. On 15 May 2019, it has launched a homebrewer competition, whose sole requirement is that Coopers’ DIY extract must be used in the brew.

According to The Shout news site, competition entries will be collected at nominated homebrew stores and then judged by certified judges to determine state finalists. Four finalists will be selected from each state to progress to the national judging, where the winner will be selected.

The competition will run until the end of July, with the judging starting in September. The winning beer will be available at Dan Murphy’s shops as of May next year.

Coopers Master of the Brewniverse competition has been launched (Photo: Coopers Brewery)

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