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22 October 2001

The long bye-bye

Lion Nathan is looking into options to boost capacity and make products other than beer at its Chinese breweries. After talks with potential brewing partners in China came to an end, Lion Nathan is assessing what to do with its operations which are running at only 30% of capacity. Lion Nathan’s operations in China represent an investment of US$121.9m and include an 80% stake in the Wuxi brewery and a wholly owned brewery in Suzhou, both located in the Yangtse River delta area. It also has an agreement with Germany’s Brauerei Beck to produce and sell Beck’s in China. It was in 1995 that Lion Nathan entered China. Lion Nathan’s Investor Relations Director, Warwick Bryan, was quoted as saying that China represented less than 10% of Lion Nathan’s total beer out put.1m hl in 2000, up 6.5%)..

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