In the Cherry Orchard with Lopakhin Changes in the Russian beer market
The Russian economy makes up its own rules as the politicians don’t seem to help. Brewers especially are subjected to rising taxes, advertising bans and weak consumer growth.
Has anyone ever wondered why all Russian restaurants west of St Petersburg look like the interior of the Imperial state train? We suppose the last Czar had one. Wherever you go it’s the same scenario of dark red velvet curtains, snowy white linen, flickering candles, the gurgling samovar and melancholy waiters who offer you a menu which reads: pelmeni, ustritsy kiroi, leninvye schi, seliodka pod odeiaolom, manti. How tragically romantic. (The waiters of the Russian Tearooms in Chicago are presumably all Latinos but still manage to look melancholy. Lubov Andreyewvna Ranevskaya, a.k.a. Lubov Andreyevna or Luba.