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19 October 2016

Aroma compounds in Southern German wheat beer – an overview

The aroma of Southern German wheat beer or “weissbier” is less dependent upon on the concentrations of individual substances and much more on the interplay of these substances and their overall composition relative to one another. The interplay between esters, higher alcohols and other key components, such as 4-vinyl guaiacol, determine which notes dominate in weissbier. The desired aroma profile (estery-fruity, yeasty, clove-like or neutral) can be achieved by guiding the formation of the respective aroma compounds through technological means. However, some knowledge of the composition of these individual substances is essential. In order to provide breweries with an understanding of how this can be done, the Weihenstephan Research Center for Brewing and Food Quality has offered the “aroma profile” analysis package for several years now.

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