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02 October 2009

From the Land of the Dragon to Weihenstephan, the stronghold of German brewing

China – a faraway land? Quite the contrary! In the future, increasing numbers of Chinese students will be completing bachelor’s degrees from Weihenstephan. The reason: The curriculum offered by the Brautechnische Akademie (BTA or Technical Brewing Academy) in Wuhan, China has been restructured specifically according to the curriculum at Weihenstephan. BRAUWELT International spoke with Prof. Dr. Werner Back and PD Dr. Martin Krottenthaler at the Institute of Brewing and Beverage Technology at the TUM-Weihenstephan; also present was their Chinese colleague Qian Fei, the first graduate of the BTA and a member of the research staff at Weihenstephan since 2006. In the conversation with the three of them, they shared what brewers from the burgeoning Land of the Dragon so deeply value about Weihenstephan.

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