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15 October 2003

BRAU Beviale 2003 - Forum for investment decisions. Return to Europe: EU enlargement opens up new markets and holds economic challenges for the beverage industry

A trend already clearly noticeable at previous exhibitions increased at BRAU Beviale 2002: Encouragingly large numbers of visitors from the Czech Republic, Russia, Poland and Hungary caused particularly the German beverage technology manufacturers - the strongly export-orientated world market leaders - to beam all over their faces. The next opportunity for the around 1,500 exhibitors and good 36,000 visitors to refresh these contacts and meet new business partners is at BRAU Beviale 2003 from 12 - 14 November in the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg.

Europe has undergone fundamental changes in the past decade. The collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the cold war was the coup de grâce for the old geopolitical system.6 milliard EUR.5 % a year between 1998 and 2002.2 %. .. The ma.

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